Sunday, July 27, 2008

Today my teacher gave me....

For most of our Prathom 6 students writing is the most difficult skill to learn and the one that they dislike the most.

So, to create a bit of excitement and interest in a writing exercise we bought each student a piece of fruit or a vegetable and placed it on their desks. This got their attention! And, once they understood that they would get to eat what they had been given after they had written about it, they were keen to begin!

For some of the students it was the first time that they had seen some of the fruit (peaches and nectarines for example) so there was some vocabulary to be learnt. Also the students needed to learn other vocabulary such as seeds, shiny, dull, hairy and on the inside/outside. Also we tried to encourge the use of 'and' to improve their writing ability.

This class was a big success; most of the students produced good work and all tried to produce their best writing. It was a very, very noisy class though!!

The five stories immediately following this post show examples of the students work.

Teachers Ann and Philip


Anonymous said...

What a good idea, were there some mushrooms?
Happy new year.
From Paula and Mark Reeves in New Zealand.

Anonymous said...

Hi!pooh i come to comment to you
on You are smart intelligent and fat You favorite food is pork .Yahoo

Anonymous said...

HI tiw,my name is tae. today i go to comment on the blog. You are my friend. youare kind and clever . you study hard and ares clever. i want to visit you. goodbye

Anonymous said...

Hi Group Today I go to comment on the Blog. You are not ugly and idiot. You are very kind and smart. You are Intelligent and clever. good bye see you soon