Monday, December 15, 2008

PEEMAI Student of the Week Prathom 6

In this Photo Peemai (on the left) is receiving his Student of the Week Award from Oat, the previous winner.

Peemai is a very good student who always works hard. Peemai's English is getting better all the time.

Excellent work, Peemai and keep up the good work!

Teachers Philip and Ann
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Anonymous said...

Hello peemai you are
very good student you are excellent

group p.6/2

Anonymous said...

Hello oat.My name is JoJoe Group1.
You are smart and Try.I come your comment to you . You are a good student.You are my friend forme in classroom and everywhere . goodbye friend. See you again in classroom.


Anonymous said...

hello !.

It is a good work.

It very good a work.

I am Yom.

I am 2/5 H.3.

Sorry I am handsome.